Rockids Crèches & Foyers de jour
Luxembourg municipalities: Dudelange, Strassen, Mamer…
1 Cargo bike
1 Mobile display
2 multilingual hostesses
2 touch tablets
Encourage pre-registration for the new school year.
“Embarquement immédiat pour la rentrée” is the slogan of this original street marketing campaign for the Rockids Group’s day nurseries and day care centers.
CD PUB astronauts assigned by the Rockids group to promote the group’s reception points and optimize pre-registrations for the new school year.
CD PUB astronauts assigned by the Rockids group to promote the group’s reception points and optimize pre-registrations for the new school year.
“VISIBILITY” objective for the CD PUB astronauts assigned by the Rockids group: survey, information, delivery of a practical “early childhood” guide…
How did it work? With a high-impact street marketing campaign: personalized scooters and mobile posters, tablets to relay the survey, and astronaut suits.
For local communication!